Empowering people
to be great
with money

Work Out Your Money

The Work Out Your Money project is a Citizens Advice Havant initiative, set up in 2014, with the objective of changing the community’s perspective on money. All too often, Citizens Advice see people when financial problems have reached a crisis point. At this late stage it can be a difficult, time consuming and distressing process, and in some instances the help is too late to save a home or prevent bailiffs from calling.

Our small team of Work Out Your Money mentors, supported by volunteers run an extensive programme of light touch workshops around developing money skills in the local community and schools. Every penny really does count whether the budget is tight or not, so having the skills to plan, shop, cook, borrow and save well are essential. We believe that we can make a difference in our area by educating, guiding and mentoring from an early age through to adulthood. By developing the necessary money skills to achieve financial independence, they will have less stress to manage and this will contribute to overall positive mental health. Imagine a local upcoming generation who wouldn’t need the help of our traditional Citizens Advice services as they have their finances under control.

In the Community

See what Work Out Your Money can offer in the community.

Children & Young People

See what our education programme can offer to your local school or college

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Our Partnerships are here

The Work Out Your Money project operates with a large number of funders, sponsors and local partners. A substantial multi-year funding programme is running with the National Lottery Community Fund, and we are also supported by Havant Borough Council, Hampshire County Council and the Department for Work and Pensions.

Work is running with Young Money, Quaker Social Action and the Illegal Money Lending Unit regarding our accredited learning resources. We partner with many local community organisations who help us deliver our programme, including Homestart and Stop Domestic Abuse.

We are grateful to the numerous businesses and charities who help us with funding and sponsorship.