Havant & South Downs College Students showing off their Work Out Your Money piggy banks. This money savvy group were opening Help to Buy ISA’s during tutor time, the day before the final closure.
The subject was well received by those attending and is so relevant to so many of them who are not good at managing their money and so I do believe you had a big positive impact on them. I know we would be delighted if you could attend again
Head Teacher
Harts Plain Junior School
The volunteers enjoyed learning about the services … and the help to support families to manage their money.’

‘A really imaginatively designed programme’

‘The Young Mums thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and have continued to make progress and have grown in confidence in the knowledge and skills that they have gained.’
Young Mums

‘Our families have found the information and advice very helpful, and it is delivered in such a friendly, positive manner, helping us all take control of our finances. Thank you!’

The course and your subsequent session were really informative, educational and enjoyable. They especially enjoyed the interactive nature of the material, which was enhanced by the fact that you and your colleague pitched your delivery at the right level……They found the handouts (books, money tins and calculators) useful and some are still using them! We would welcome you back any time.