Work Out Your Money has a Programme for Schools which has been awarded the Financial Education Quality Mark and is mapped to the current curriculum. This programme has been developed in consultation with teachers, is engaging and relevant for young people and clearly written and easy to use.
Our personal finance workshops in schools start in Year 4 exploring how we use money and the cost of everyday items. Our Primary School Programme explores what we can do with our money, planting the seed for the need to save for the future.

This leads into our Secondary School Programme where we think more about how we spend our money and calculate how much our savings can grow. Children then make that important link to how much the big things in life will cost and how their savings can help meet their aspirations.
We also help students understand payslips, with activities and discussions which explain where our taxes our spent. This important life skill is at timely stage in their life when they are starting to work part-time.